Probably, he is in a remote place, or perhaps in his office, studying a map, dreaming, doing numbers,
looking for coordinates, requesting permits or negotiating with sponsors
A small dream can become the adventure of a lifetime
What began as a gap year on a trip around the world, fortuitously ended up becoming the first media adventure of Paco Acedo. After leaving his job as a teacher, Paco embarked on the Underwater Expedition Around the World, a project that led him to exploring diving antarctic waters, becoming trapped by the world of ice. From that moment he focused all his attention on developing projects and expeditions in the polar regions of the planet
A trip is always an opportunity, a window to the real world far from our comfort zone. Sharing it is an obligation
After each adventure or expedition, there is learning and deep personal growth. To coexist with the most remote indigenous populations on Earth, to walk and explore the few remaining virgin areas on our planet, to be a direct witness of climate change and its consequences in the polar regions
It is inevitable to feel the moral need and social commitment to show this reality and share these experiences through conferences, talks and exhibitions
Despite being a passionate traveler of submarine exploration and travel from a young age, it is from 2010 that Paco develops year after year projects in which ice diving, adventure and polar exploration combine in an worldwide unprecedented way
A sample of the latest expeditions: